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Inspiring Grandma

Inspiring Grandma


  My Grandma looks beautiful

 She has dark brown hair,

 make up and Navajo jewelry

The color of her jewelry is turquoise and black

She likes wearing skirts and blouse’s

My Grandma dreams for me to go to college

And have a good job and a

Nice place and for me to accomplish my goals

And what I finish and do it’s for me not the other person

And how I want my future to be

My grandma Rose Ann Yazzie is

Important to me

Because she talks to me about

How to treat people and be respectful to others

She tells me every day to listen and behave at school

She inspires me to do so many things

That I will do and succeed at what I can do best

She cares about everyone in our family

And loves everyone very much

And she never lets go

I love you Grandma 


This poem makes me...
  • Think (5%)
  • Smile (60%)
  • Somber (16%)
  • Surprised (1%)
  • Feel a Connection (15%)
  • Inspired (2%)
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