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It’s All About What’s On The Inside…

It’s All About What’s On The Inside…

By: Keyonshae’

I have a pain so deep you’ll never see

I locked it away and hid the key

If i ever really could share it

You wouldn’t look at me the same

I faked a smile everyday

for i couldn’t stand for somebody to see me this way

I buried my emotions, deep inside my soul

It’s the hate i have, to keep me whole

If i ever truly showed you what’s inside

I’d run away fast and hide

It’s like when i get home, i take off my mask

Faking happiness is nearly an impossible task

But somehow i manage to get by

Going through it everyday about to cry

One day maybe i’ll be okay

But of course that day is not today

How much more can i take?

Before i loose it

will this pain ever go away?

Maybe tomorrow, But not today!

My emotions are too much to bare

I’m blinded and cant image the one’s who care


I have so many friends but feel so alone

putting on a front so no one can see

that sad and unhappy lonely me

I’m a fun person, i brighten the day

But when i’t comes to my satisfaction

It doesn’t work my way

My problems seem to never go away

The crazy park is that i know they will stay.


Fire blaze within my eyes

A smile concealing all my lies

I walk into the class

Proud and Strong

I talk like i been good all along

I smile and wave and look happy

But deep down inside i’m anything

But proud and snappy

When i’m at home

i feel so alone

I lost so many loves

all of the above

It’s All About What’s On The Inside


All i ever did was run and hide

For something that is to hard to describe

walking through the rain

i try to forget the  pain


I try to ignore the sting in my eyes

because i know a strong girl never cries

i begin to run, run from my fears

But i am followed, by my ever present tears


I want to leave these familiar places,

leave behind all of these frequent faces

but where will i go?

what will i do?

but something keeps me here

crying one last tear

It’s All About What’s On The Inside…

Maybe i’ll get better one day

but that day is not today

The chains of depression, dragging me down

People say i’m the happiest girl they know

Always bubbly and free

but i guess they don’t know me

Because one thing they should know is,

It’s All About What’s On The Inside…!

This poem makes me...
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  • Smile (4%)
  • Somber (1%)
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  • Feel a Connection (23%)
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