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I’ve Made It

I’ve Made It

By Jesus Flores


Dang my brother you won’t make it,

Why not?


            They don’t want you

There, oh yeah huh well I don’t

care, I want to make it.


            That’s all what happens

When you don’t believe when even your

loved ones don’t believe in  you

well so what ese they all told

me I couldn’t make it


            Que no la migra viene

No the cops will get you

You want to get a good education

But NO, LOOK AT ME now

I’VE MADE IT! Yes loud

And proud, I’ve

Made it, just cuz I don’t

Have papers doesn’t mean nothing


            My people, my loved ones


            Don’t believe in me, yes

My family ain’t rich, not even

            Close, we’re poor and so I’m


            You need any money honey

You think I’m that poor well yes, so what

I guess I’m not that lucky


            I’ve made it yes

                        I’ve made it my mom

Used to tell me we’ve made it

But I didn’t believe that and

Still don’t

            I ain’t got no

Papers, no citizenship, no money,

And you tell us we cant come

in when

            even their own

president says we can,

the history of us poor Mexican

people are true,

            age 6 start to work,

age 8 already have to help the


            that’s me,

and I got to say

look at me ese,

I got this education in Strive

            You thought I couldn’t make it

                        But ese,

            I’VE MADE IT!

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