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Ke Kai

Ke Kai

by Chayce Apo


Some things may be scary that exist down below,

but don’t be afraid

because they will know.  

You mean them no harm,

you have come with respect,

you only came to visit and not to collect.


As for the shells that lay upon the ocean shore,

I like to pick them up,

it’s never a bore.

Some shells are so tiny and so adorable,

Some are big and some are colorful.  

Sometimes I find them and sometimes they find you  

and when a shell finds you,

you will know that the ocean loves you, too!


This poem makes me...
  • Think (17%)
  • Smile (72%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (5%)
  • Inspired (6%)
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