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Keep Holding On

Keep Holding On
By: Faith Herr

Mother always told me,
that loving one another
holds us together.

That hatred kills us Forever,
changing the way we see.

Reminding me to love
even when others won’t.
To cling on to the very end,
you may lose a great friend.
Maybe because you’re younger
hate is just stronger,
but forgive and hold on
a little longer.

So don’t let hatred break
the special bonds between you and one,
’cause once it’s gone, you’ll have none.

WE, the Hmong
work hand in hand,
pulling rice
strand by strand.
Giving help as we’ve received,
those who don’t, have not yet achieved.

Mother always told me,
that loving one another
holds us together,
like how glue holds paper.

This poem makes me...
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  • Feel a Connection (91%)
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