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Kohala Mountain Road


by Malia Donner

A place of old
where history is present
Where the aloha runs free
giving off it’s essence

Standing with pride
not denying your place
Showing the world your story
being dipped with grace

A place of peace
being one with one another
Loving even your enemies
because they are your brothers

Living in it’s calm beauty
thankful for where you live
Though the old may be decaying
we enjoy what it has to give

From kanaka to haole
we accepted them all
Not caring about color
with them, it’s a ball

It’s a place of paradise
where all come to be
Since it’s a living utopia
exalted in glee

In it’s own way it’s perfect
where everyone can see
That the district of Kohala
is the perfect place to be


This poem makes me...
  • Think (3%)
  • Smile (38%)
  • Somber (3%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (22%)
  • Inspired (25%)
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