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Kohala Kid

yellow lehua blossom

Mekaila Pasco

We started as seeds…

                                      dropped from her petals…

showered with love…

                                      then drowned in metal…



Scarred by words…

                                      caught in mistakes…

gave it our best…

                                      we give more than we take…



Deep in the learning…

                                      brutal at the tip…

needing some love…

                                      just a little bit…



Growing way too fast…

                                      stabbed in the heart…

falling in love…

                                      but can’t be apart…



Building trust…

                                      and hurting others…

over the lies…

                                      breaking lovers…



Wishing it was over…

                                      just be who you are…

cause those who love you…

                                      are never that far…


This poem makes me...
  • Think (2%)
  • Smile (9%)
  • Somber (85%)
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  • Feel a Connection (3%)
  • Inspired (1%)
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