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La Roca

La Roca

By Aileen Moncayo.



Open when you need it.

Serenity fills in that empty space.

Its not dangerous.

I feel safe , I’m not alone.

There’s a silence.

No ones around.

There’s a path that leads.

You choose the right or the wrong.

There’s chairs for those who come.

Everyone’s welcomed.

People with different sides.

Different struggles , same pain.

Those who don’t speak but hide in there mind.

No screaming , no drama just worship.

The sound of cutting hair.

Cars passing by.

People you don’t know passing by.

Around the placeĀ I call home.

Rhythm playing to your soul.

Prayers being sent.

Advocating for forgiveness.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (54%)
  • Smile (8%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (8%)
  • Inspired (31%)
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