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Let Go

Let Go

By:Jailine Isita

You were my first real love my first real everything

I never imagined finding someone like you someone who became important all at once

Someone who came into my life when I was at my lowest 

Its been five months already five amazing and incredible months 

But the one who stole my heart on the other hand has changed so much

We hardly talk we hardly text we hardly see each other 

Something that just started out as good friends and great coworkers has now changed 

Two weeks ago the last time we worked together was the last time actually seeing each other

Although time passes we talk but even in these five months full of the best time 

So many arguments have happened I was the one who had your back when no one did 

Every time I stare into your eyes I see the old you the one your hiding behind the walls you`ve build

You`ve hurt me so much though I don`t show it I don`t want to show all the sadness and anger 

I find reasons to move on and let go but every time I try either we see each other and start talking or we text again

I have to let go 

I have to let go because there has been days and there is days when you just treat me like I`m nothing and just put me aside

you don`t know how much that hurts right clearly when I do that to you my phone gets blown up 

Blown up with your messages and thats when I fall again I fall for your fake so real love

I have to let go 

The day I walk away remember i have always had your back and always been there for you 

just remember that  I`ll always love you 




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