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by Mikiya Deener

It always taught me to value the little things

It taught me to learn to forgive when people hurt you

It taught me to forgive the cruel things people can do to you.

Physically and mentally even if they don’t forgive you.

Even though I did nothing to deserve this but stuff happens.

It taught me to focus on the future and stop looking at the bumpy past

Even though I will never forget it

Life is what keeps me going

You only have yourself in this world

Have you ever seen a child go away

Have you ever seen a man die one day

Those things you won’t forget

But you can learn to forgive.

It helped me break the walls of insecurity and learn to trust.

In reality I trust nobody

I learned that life it what will keep me going.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (20%)
  • Smile (10%)
  • Somber (20%)
  • Surprised (10%)
  • Feel a Connection (10%)
  • Inspired (30%)
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