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By Johnathan Larrinaga


Life is something we face everyday.

Something where we collect our memories.

Something we see as a good and a bad thing.

Life is tough sometimes.

Life can be sweet.

Life can be sad.

But life is worth living for….

When you wake up every morning.

You always are filled with joy that you are still alive……

…..and living.

You are with your friends and family and your loved ones.

And some of us just want to be away from the crisis that happens almost everyday..

….but….we have to learn to cast it away and make it into something better….

We should all be glad that we are living with the rest of the world…

Because we all have something special inside us, something good, but…

people don’t want to let it out.
Without life, we would be empty, dull souls.

With nothing in them.
We should be filled with joy and appreciation.

That our heavenly Father ignited life in us.

Life is serious.

Life is hard.

Life is joy….

and life is sad…

So when you wake up the next morning.

Think about where life has gotten you.

And as always….

Keep loving life…..

This poem makes me...
  • Think (14%)
  • Smile (29%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (1%)
  • Feel a Connection (21%)
  • Inspired (30%)
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