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Life Lesson


Life Lesson

By: Sophon Hardy

Growing up I learned,

Many knowledgeable things to know.

From baby to child,

From child to teen,

And teen to adult.

A lot of these teachings are not my fault.

There are many new lessons,

To learn every day.

Sometimes you won’t make ends meet,

And you’ll have pain.

Doesn’t matter what type of situation you’re in,

Jobless, depression, or even just being mad.

But don’t dwell on negativity,

But think what will happen tomorrow.

So keep your mind,

Away from sorrow.

Always focus on,

what will happen later.

You never know,

It could make your life greater.

Don’t focus on a bad past,

But on a bright future,

Such as having success with,

A job, school, or in your personal life.

Don’t see your life as a big dark cloud.

Rise above darkness,

And let your voice be heard,

Powerful and loud.

A triumphant roar of a lion.

The sound of pride and happiness.

That sound that will be heard.

Life is a blooming flower,

Beautiful and delicate.

Life can be amazing,

Cruel, sorrowful, exciting, and joyful.

Like our memories,

We have made or making,

Today or Tomorrow .

This poem makes me...
  • Think (35%)
  • Smile (15%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (15%)
  • Inspired (35%)
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