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By: Alia Ballou

Playing Basketball is like living every single day.

As I hear the shoes
Screeching and screaming like monkeys
On the clean court.

The feeling of the basketball,
rubbing against my palm.

The sound when the ball
Swishes nothing but net.
It’s like a soft, smooth song
It gives me the tingly, chilling feeling
Creeping down my spine

The feeling of being sore.
The very next day.

Many fans in the bleachers
Cheering and screaming.

That amazing feeling when
The buzzer rings for the final time.
You won the game.

My favorite place is the basketball court.
That is actual living.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (20%)
  • Smile (8%)
  • Somber (1%)
  • Surprised (2%)
  • Feel a Connection (59%)
  • Inspired (10%)
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