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Living In Chi-town

Living In Chi-town

By Jenifer Quinones



Cold wind , sudden breezes

Roaring trains and speedy grey subways

Southside Chicago


Big green trees swaying in the breeze

I remember the sounds and the people

A green and yellow park where I fell when I was 4

Green monkey bars that gave me painful blisters

Swings where I would jump from

Lincoln Park , so big and beautiful


Downtown Chicago

The Bean is a tourist attraction

Your reflection looking down upon you from that big grey /silver metallic bean


Little Village Academy where I used to attend

Pre-k was the best , yet worse

Friends from different ethnicities

Learning new things from them was a daily


A big blue playground stood in front of the school

” Only Big Kids ” , I once read

Only 3rd Grade and up were allowed

Other side of the school was where my class waited for me


All spanish-speaking school

Towards the end , killed my spirit

News had gotten around

Boxes on top of boxes

House on Lawndale Dr. had gotten empty


” Jenifer’s moving ! ” shouted my friends

Leaving soon to Oklahoma City

Crying , depressed , upset

Feelings scattered through my mind

Heart shattered by surprise


What was I gonna do

Didn’t wanna leave

Spirit killed

That one soul that was filled with happiness

Soon became a dark hole filled with emptiness


” Goodbye Chi-town ” , I said

Forever my home

Forever where I belong

Forever missing my Chicago life

This poem makes me...
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  • Somber (7%)
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  • Feel a Connection (50%)
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