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Look What You’ve Done

Look What You’ve Done

by Brandi Williams



Why did you have to lie?

You left me in the dark


Just to cry

Now look what you’ve done

Caused pain and lost trust

It never really was love

Just lust; or was it ?


Momma always told me

The truth will set you free

I just never thought it would happen to me

Fool me once shame on you

Fooled me twice shame on me

Now there’s no way i could put the blame on you


Next time you do

Make sure someone is there for you

Because once one is told

Along comes another and another

Just to cover up the other


Momma always told me

The truth will set you free

So, just be honest

Or everyone you love will



This poem makes me...
  • Think (15%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (67%)
  • Inspired (15%)
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