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Lost In You

Lost In You ..

By Aileen Moncayo..


His eyes were a disease..

His words were lies..

His thoughts were unnoticed..

And his actions were hurtful..

He’d smoke to feel chill..

While his problems filled in..

He saw what was right..

And he still continued to be the same..

She saw his eyes , capturing the disease..

Falling in love..

Not noticing she would lose focus..

He didn’t realize she was special..

Special as the colors he claimed..

She knew what was right..

And still disobyed..

She was confused..

Confused as he was with life..

She knew school came first.

Putting everyone last for him..

As he put her last..

Not noticing they were both wrong..

As they went on..

Lost in love..

This poem makes me...
  • Think (36%)
  • Smile (4%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (44%)
  • Inspired (12%)
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