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Love Is An Arrow

Love Is An Arrow

by James Chery


Love is an Arrow

Its sharp tip cuts many

And its force with the bow

Is enough to go through the heart


Love is a drug

An addiction that can’t be cured

It is a fate greater than death

A feeling expressed by few


Love is a fatality

One that has a lasting effect

With every fatal blow

Leaving a scar irremovable


Love is a swan song-

A final act of the heart and soul

One that is unforgettable

And that pains your soul with every word


Love is a monster

One that’s mission is to destroy me

Love tore me apart

And crushed my heart piece by piece


Love is not silent

It is loud and open

It can’t be contained

And it can’t be silence


Love is life

It is often more cruel than it is fair

But it is important to let it run its course

And let it lead us to a better path

This poem makes me...
  • Think (6%)
  • Smile (50%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (11%)
  • Feel a Connection (22%)
  • Inspired (11%)
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