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By Nancy Guerrero

Dear Lupita,

You are my little sister.
My favorite little floppy bear.
Sometimes you’re mean like a lion because you get mad
and start hitting me.
Sometimes you’re sweet like a bunny  because
you hug me and giving me kisses
and always making me laugh.
You are so funny.
That’s why I love you till the end of the world.
You almost died but you made it
and now you are six.
My little princess with a big wide pink dress.
Sometimes you’re slow like a turtle
then fast like a cheetah.
You are not good at school and neither am I
but let me give you some advice:
try your best don’t give up easily.
Some day you will be like a shining star
just as bright as one. B to me  you already one.
I know sometimes I’m not in a good mood
but you know I still love you.

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