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Make a Change

It’s time to make a change people being bullied. People want to die cause the pain no one want to be called a name. Treat me with respect or don’t say anything. Ending them lives without them say good-bye. Life is too short for someone to make you end it. Being bully isn’t fun. But it much you could have done .Ending your life isn’t no fun. Bullying hurt, how can’t you see? Don’t you think of what could have been? What if they put a razor to their skin? You should know bullying hurts. It comes from one word. One word you blurt “fat, ugly, worthless”. Don’t it make you feel like shit? It takes a long time for their heart to heal. Why make them wear a fake smile? Like shits OK, don’t hide your feelings.The bully is never wanted, The person you bullied now has no need for long sleeves. Your work here is done, now who’s the one who feels broken hearted?What if they wrote a note saying good-bye ? Watch their friends and family cry. While you having a joyful little old time. with in time the pain of regret your actions.


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