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Make Life Last

Make Life Last

By Nicolas Romero

It doesn’t matter what you do with your life
as long as you do it

You won’t accomplish anything if you don’t try
if you fail you can try again
it’s called persevering

If you spent all your time armored and afraid to do anything
you’ll miss out on everything

Its always good to be protected
but there’s protected and overprotected
there’s a difference

If you get out and do something
chances are you’ll enjoy it

Think of a centenarian who spend all their time inside afraid of death
they didn’t accomplish anything other than becoming a centenarian
you don’t want to be that guy

Then think of another centenarian who takes risks all the time
and somehow became a centenarian
now that guy had some fun

The other guy lived his life like a turtle in a shell
this guy or girl (no time for terminology)
lived his life like a normal person

This poem makes me...
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  • Surprised (14%)
  • Feel a Connection (29%)
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