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by Kyla Moore

(Los Angeles, CA)


I don’t live with mama.

She lives her dangerous life.


She says it’s fun

up and down Pico and in my home city Bell Gardens.

I say it’s trouble and strife.


She likes the streets

and being on the run.

I sit and let my teardrops fall

while she’s with her tenth new boyfriend having a ball.


No wonder people say she was a wild child.


She is my struggle, my twin

not me, she is not I

even so, I try to stay sweet, calm, and mild,

when I am one of the three children who sit and cry,

while she’s somewhere out there sipping, and taking a hit.


Mother, we need ya.

You’re not here.

One day you’ll be gone, and that’s our only fear.


No way am I livin’ with mama,

she’s livin’ her fun life.

Nope, it ain’t fun at all,

it’s all trouble and strife.

This poem makes me...
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  • Somber (94%)
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