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May Brill

Human nature as interminable debaters often leads to taking sides on fate, and Friday the thirteenth is an infamous subject matter—yet a certain May was born on one! Beginning in the month she was named after, year of 1924, southern Philadelphia became enlightened by raising the Jewish girl. Not many can say they know a busy ninety-three-year-old still regularly attending local communities and living well alone. In fact, she is skilled at using her journey’s discoveries to let her life stay healthier and longer. Through advocating for herself and others, and giving back, May Brill demonstrates what it means to always keep fighting and leading every day, serving as a role model, especially to girls, veterans, and women in the military… or in her own words, “A woman’s job is never done.”

In this comic, May is depicted as a lion- a warrior. The first panel takes place within her apartment, during an interview. The second one begins her memory of being sent to California to work in the Supply Corps. Once there, they must supply equipment, tools, medical supplies, and consumable goods to ships and bases in the Pacific. She returns to attend Glassboro State College (Rowan University today), completing a major in gerontology and a minor in human sciences. As a veteran, her aim in life is not simply for people to thank them for their service upon meeting a veteran, but to tell them, “I have read about what you do, and you are not forgotten.”

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