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by; Emily Maldonado

Pioneer Charter School


I am weird and happy.

For example, I wonder about my future and see college ahead of me.

I hear people laughing and smelling flowers.

I want to see Paris in my lifetime so I can smell that loaf of bread.

I am weird and happy.

I pretend I am a singer that sees the crowd.

I feel an angel next to me touching my shoulder.

I touch a butterfly that’s made  out of candy and tastes good.

I worry that I’m not good enough.

I cry when I’ve been hurt and touch the tears rolling down my cheek.

I am weird and happy.

I understand everything happens for a reason.

I say to believe in yourself.

I dream about getting a good career.

I try to put my best effort in everything and I tell myself “I can do it.”

I hope I won’t worry about many things.

I am weird and happy.

This poem makes me...
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