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Me and My Best Friends

Me and My Best Friends

By:Tyasheama Shipp

Me and my best friends are like kool-aid  and sugar, we’re mixed together as a big pitcher of liquid.

Me and my best friends are like peanut butter and jelly, we stick together and no one could break up our friendship.

Me and my best friends are like sisters, we’re always there for each other through thick and thin.

Me and my best friends shine bright like a diamond, I’M the diamond they’re all the lights that sparkle.

Me and best friends may have our ups and downs, but I mean hey that’s what makes a friendship better.

I understand them, and they understand me my attitude, my everything, and that’s what friends are for.

Me and best friends got that A1 steak sauce type of relationship.

Most of all, we love each other.

This poem makes me...
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