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Me Ntxhais

Me Ntxhais
by Anonymous

Me Ntxhais

The words that I hear
From the mouths of those
Whom I love the most
The word that will determine
I am someone’s daughter
From their origin
This word is like the
Center of a rose
Protected by other petals
Like a family who
Cares for others

Me Ntxhais

The saying of demanding
And commanding of chores
A phrase that would be
Needed for a helping hand
A phrase that will be
carried onto the
next generations
They have worked hard
To help us find the
Right future
We need to advocate
To deserve this word
As Hmong women

Me Ntxhais

The words that has deeply
Created a scar in my soul
Like a thorn that has
pierced a hole inĀ  my heart
The scar will remain
With me forever
This word means much more
Than anything in the world
this word will be with me
Everywhere I go,
I am not scared to say that
I am proud to be a Hmong girl.




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