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Melody’s coffee shop

Melody’s Coffee Shop

By: Natalie Vargas


Main Street it starts,

Way down to the end of the

street, Where the bad sewer smell is.

As I walk I have to make sure I don’t step

on the rocks from the little boy who always plays

hopscotch every morning. I skip to

Melody’s coffee shop

everytime I walk in I hear the sound of the bell ring so they

know someone came in to order.

Melody’s coffee shop.

It starts where the smell of whip cream and mocha is.

I love it when Melody pours the mocha and all the steam comes out,

Melody’s coffee shop, it starts with all the new faces coming in,

Melody’s coffee shop, it starts where I hate the sound of all the forks cling in the cups

while they stir all the sugar from pouring it into the

morning coffee, Melody’s coffee shop,it starts,

where she calls my name to come get my mocha

with extra whip cream, I love the smell

it reminds me of the vanilla candles

at bath and body works filled with

color. melody’s coffee shop, it

where the taste of the mocha

is like a very exciting

thing happened  like a

baby saying mama and

dada  for the first

time that’s why I

like to go to







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