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By: Merlinda Perez

When I feel that it’s all over

I look back

Way back in my memories

and see us

a blurry us, but I still see us

I see your bright warm smile

that could lighten my whole world up

When I think of you

I think of an amazing guy

a guy that was always there for me

even if it was only to tell me”everything is fine”

My memories with you

are blured out of me,

You left me a year ago on 12/08/13

Why did you leave?

Out here with you feels like it’s all over

but your my motivation

You always said

Reach for you dreams

but don’t take any short cuts

and if seems far than start running.

Youll always be my best memorie, even if your gone.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (25%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (50%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (25%)
  • Inspired (0%)
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