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Memories Of Her

Memories Of Her
By: Aly Lor

Her heart aches
Every single time
Whenever my Aunt says, niam to her
Hurting so much like it’s been shot by an arrow

Her heart race
Every single time
As she hear her mom’s voice
Feeling very weak
Knowing something is not right
Tears rolling down with fear
Whenever she dream something bad about her

She would catch a glimpse of her
Waking up with a horrified face
Praying over and over again
Hoping nothing will go wrong
As she’s far away from her

She saw niam‘s tired, weak, pale face
As if it was too late
Bursting into tears saying, mus zoo koj
Crying on my father’s shoulder
Asking why does she have to leave

Hours, minutes, and seconds went by
Spending a sad three days together
Still yet, not feeling satisfied
As they have to go on their own separate ways
Knowing that their heart will always stay with each other
And forever

This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (44%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (22%)
  • Inspired (22%)
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