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By:Morgan Williams


Colors of blue and orange everywhere

You  can smell the BBQ

And almost taste the pork and cold pop

Walking down Beale St. you can hear the loud blues music

People laughing and having a good time


On the streets of MLK

You can hear the screams of horror

Along with gunshots

Blood covering the ground

His mama laying down next to his bleeding body

Pouring her eyes out asking “Why?”

In the air you can smell the must and other horrible smells coming off from the Mississippi

Pitbulls barking and police sirens in background

Cars driving recklessly over the bumpy, hardcore road

Gang bangers and bums hanging on every corner and corner store

All these people look at Memphis as this

Blues playing

BBQ cooking city but

This poem makes me...
  • Think (57%)
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  • Somber (29%)
  • Surprised (14%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
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