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by Efrain Romero



I know that I’m Mexican

You don’t have to remind me

I’m aware of my color

or how I speak


Many of you think we’re ignorant

because we had to learn another

language but really that just

increased our intelligence


I’m not smart because

I’m Mexican

I’m smart because I

worked two times as hard

as anyone else

I wasn’t born intelligent

I’m intelligent because I

cared for my education

and for that I’m where I

stand today


Many of you say we’re foreigners

and that we need to go back

to Mexico


But I’m not from Mexico


I’m from Memphis, Tennessee


That’s why I correct you and

tell you that I’m Mexican American






This poem makes me...
  • Think (14%)
  • Smile (7%)
  • Somber (21%)
  • Surprised (7%)
  • Feel a Connection (21%)
  • Inspired (29%)
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