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Mi Familia del Rancho

Mi Familia del Rancho

By:Viridiana Rangel

My family es de “El Potrero”
My family is just wearing cowboy hats
We eat beans with eggs, some salsa de chile
We’re like lions roaring

My grandpa be in el buro cutting lena
We’re a strong family that never gives up
My mom is cool my dad works very hard to get me what I want

My grandpa gets up even before the roosters do
He be in his farm planting or cutting nopales

We be eating nopales con tortillas de arena
My mom wakes up at 4:30 a.m so she can get ready so she can go to work
she is strong like a t-rex
My grandpa be getting the pigs poop lol


This poem makes me...
  • Think (2%)
  • Smile (83%)
  • Somber (3%)
  • Surprised (1%)
  • Feel a Connection (11%)
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