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Mind your business

Mary is an instigator

She made a fight happen

They were mad at her

One friend now gossiping

Love to talk about people

That’s why I stay in my own lane

Suzy told me ” to never give up on anything

Keep going and keep trying

Live while your young”

The next day Mary was talking about me

Mary was put to jail for instigating

We lived a very happy life when she was gone

When Mary came back  it started over again

I never talked to her again so far

But she came up to me and It was a complication

She was all up in my situation

“Y’all better get out of this face of mine”

“I’m starting to think this is a very bad sign”

I’m going to go ahead & get in my place

So I walked away from everything

This poem makes me...
  • Think (14%)
  • Smile (10%)
  • Somber (21%)
  • Surprised (38%)
  • Feel a Connection (7%)
  • Inspired (10%)
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