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Missing You

Missing You

By: Rhiannon Tsosie

The smell of smoke in the air,

The last thing you did before you walked out the door,

You grabbed your keys,

And put on the blue jacket you loved to wear,

You sat in your silver  four-door truck then drove away,

As you drove emptiness in your head,

Nothing but silence in the truck,

You tryin’ to concentrate on the road,
but your eye vision blurry from the pint of Jack Daniels,

You had before you left,

You’re swerving all over the road,

No other car in sight,

Trails of black tire marks marked the road,

A truck flipped over with no survivor,

Just you and your thoughts,

Slowly saying good bye to the world,

Soon an ambulance finds you,

But you’re cold like snow slowly melting away,

My spirit watching you,

Unable to help,

As I wake up you fade away,

I thought of this as another day,

But when I looked in your lonely room you’re gone,

And I attended your funeral later on.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (4%)
  • Somber (55%)
  • Surprised (4%)
  • Feel a Connection (23%)
  • Inspired (4%)
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