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by Jahmaad McKinnon


I’ve never been one who has really liked things.

I hate a lot of things.

I hate lots of food because I’m a very picky person.

I hate people because they always seem to annoy me and have to solve everything with violence.

I’ve always liked traveling, but I hate places because then I’m always hating wherever I am.

It gets too boring or has too many people.

But the one thing I actually love is music

With music to me nothing can ever go wrong.

Nothing can ever make me mad if I have music.

It’s as if each and every one of my problems slowly drift away.

I couldn’t be happier when it’s with me.

No matter how bad a day

No matter how sick someone makes me,

I can always turn to music.

This poem makes me...
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  • Feel a Connection (40%)
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