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My Biggest Fear is People

My biggest fear is people
We yell and scream and shout
The harsh words flipping through the air
Doing crazy summersaults until they are exhausted
Building tensions

My biggest fear is people
We make, then break, manipulate
Flames leaping and dancing in eyes
If you are able to catch them
Plotting unnecessary revenge

My biggest fear is people
We are a New Year
Bringing false hope and real disaster
Promising to change then staying the same
As anger bubbles and boils

My biggest fear is people
As shots are fired
Cannons boom
And we are too busy measuring our gain
To step back and count the casualties

My biggest fear is people
We are like volcanos as pressure builds
And builds until it explodes
As loud as the guns we fire at each other
Under the façade of peace

My biggest fear is people
Not snakes or spiders
Not the dark or drowning or monsters or clowning
Not heights nor flights but people
Me. Us.

My biggest fear is people
But it doesn’t have to be if we take off our masks
And break the tensions and count the casualties
We’ve ignored for so long
And finally be stronger than fear

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