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My Blessing

My Blessing

Trapped in a lonely, dark, cold world

where pain blossoms like a flower

confusion… a volcano explodes

and bitterness from the tragedy festers deep within

trapped with no way out I knew I wasn’t

gonna make it, but even then she,

my blessing,

said be strong you can do this


As the day turns to night

and as the mask of happiness self destructs

tears pour down like the rain in an early spring shower

I can see daddy’s face so vividly clear

Heart beat pounding like the sound of a drum

I can’t take anymore im gonna explode

but even then she,

my blessing,

said dry your tears tomorrow will be better


Im the silent one sitting in the corner in the back of the room

revenge written on my heart like a tattoo

I anticipate on taking him out like a Hitler did the Jews

as I stand before him with my pistol loaded

its all over for him now

but even then she,

my blessing

said speak and be slow to anger for silenced anger will slowly kill you


As I grow stronger

the tears begin to dry and the pain starts subsiding

my frown is turned upside down

 my heart is now pure and the mask is removed

my outer appearence, the part you all can see

is now a perfect match to whats deep inside of me

and even now im sure that she was truly sent by god

she like an angel is who i call

my blessing

-Makayla Barton

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