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My Brother

My Brother

By: Jaymie Shorty


My brother treats me

Awful like a pitbull

Trying to bite you

But sometimes caring like a LEOPARD

Protecting her cubs

He’s tall like a cedar tree

That wears vans everywhere

He goes

Sometimes we fight like


In the jungle for food to survive on

He wants to be a team

Roper like Derrick Begay

He also wants to be a professional basketball player like his favorite team Cavaliers

My brother and I like to play football


Time we go down to our ranch and feed the horses and cattle

We like to ride horses

It looks like you’re SOARING through the SKY wind blowing in your hair and face

Where it is open to ride hills that are steep grass everywhere and other horses we own are eating

Watching my brother smiling and laughing away

When my other brother Tyler tripped over a rock that is half way into the ground when he ran toward the truck


This poem makes me...
  • Think (30%)
  • Smile (57%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (4%)
  • Inspired (4%)
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