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My Brother, Tyler

My Brother, Tyler

by Kiya Estes


My brother, Tyler is like my best friend

Hopefully, that never ends

He takes control,

Playing his brotherly role


His smile is full of joy,

And he is a good looking boy

He has his own special glow

That everyone has to know


Even though he may be scrawny,

But he is also very brawny

He has swag for days,

Even on his worst days


He is smart with a 4.0,

Studying hard and putting on a show

He has high intelligence

With all his elegance


With all the stuff he tries to do,

He really kills my mood,

But he has a strong brotherly love

and has always strived for above


Even at the end of the day,

He will always be like a father in a special way

I love him a lot

He’s the father I never got


This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (32%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (37%)
  • Inspired (21%)
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