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My City

Dawson, the city I was born in with no regrets.


My city is small as a needle in a haystack,

Its a beautiful place to have a family

A little green grass here and there.


My city hot in the summer and cold in the winter

Cars and trucks roaming around trying to figure

out where to go.


My city is the one city with big pecan and oak trees

surrounding big beautiful homes while dancing

and talking at night while everyone is sleeping.


My city have 6 fast food places, 5 gas stations ,

4 groceries stores, 3 police cars, 2 banks,

and 1 post office with a court room with people

coming and leaving.


My city have its bad days,

When I just hate when these days arrive people commenting crimes

Pitch dark outside with no one around

No police cars just street lights watching.


My city the land that brought memories of neighborliness ,

Everyone together as we are family


My city,wake up and be just like David Defeat the Goliath called GREED

Show your feat and make this enemy face heat and thats my city.

By: Damiya Hall

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