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My Connection To The Ocean

My Connection To The Ocean
By: Sophia Atkins

Her smile shines like the sun
Her laugh could push away
The dark
There’s light in her happy eyes
As we travel far and wide
But sometimes, when things go
Wrong, like a wrong turn taken
The light fades
Just goes away

But when it comes back
All is well
The sun shines in the sky

No more crystal tears
Should appear in that
Pointing out all the sights
And sounds of the ocean

I swim with her
Out to the rolling waves
The sparkling water is the
Perfect scene
The relaxing waves lull
Us away
Until it’s time to go again
But don’t worry
The light’s still there
And will never fade again
As long as we all
Shall live

This poem makes me...
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  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
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