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My Dad And I

My Dad and I

By Isaac Garcia


My dad and I tell stories never told

Tell jokes never heard

Play games, new and old

And teach things never learned


When my mom shouted at me in anger

I’d run to his room , hug him tight

Like a teddy bear

Because I was scared


When my sisters left her family that cared for her for many years

To go with a mom she hardly knew

He would comfort me with hugs and say,

“It’s going to be alright”.


When someone made me turn red with anger

He said to sock that sucker

Give them a reason to be afraid next time,

But I didn’t take his advice.


For twelve years and counting,

His lung cancer and low blood pressure

Never went away,

Leaving him a survivor, sort of,

And I am always supporting him.


We’re together and he tells me stories that make me

Laugh and cry and sometimes even both.

Then I throw my arms around him

Until I drifted off to sleep.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (25%)
  • Smile (17%)
  • Somber (25%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (17%)
  • Inspired (17%)
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