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My Dear Brother

My Dear Brother

By Jazmin Curley

One night I had a dream.

All my tears were flowing downstream.

Beside me, stood you.

When I woke up, I didn’t know what to do.

All I could think of was you.


I walk down the endless street and think of you.

I know you’re far away, like a balloon in the sky,

so there’s nothing I can do.


I wish you were here,

because it’s been over a year.


I’ve been trying to live without you,

but it is something I cannot do.


You are too dear to my heart,

and it bothers me that we’re so far apart.


I miss you, like how a child misses their favorite toy.

I love you.

My dear brother.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (10%)
  • Smile (15%)
  • Somber (18%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (50%)
  • Inspired (8%)
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