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My Favorite Place

My Favorite Place
By Tavon Cooper

No sounds
Just me by myself,
Is the best place in the world.
With a smell of fresh cut grass,
Where I can think,
And it’s dark.
When I know I can’t see the things that scare me,
Or go bump at night that makes it hard for me to sleep.
And I have no drama to worry about– any problems whatsoever.
And forget everything where I felt no pain.
Then look around and see my bros there with me laughing,
And I think I wasn’t at my favorite place with my friends.
And family is where it’s at,
As long as I see a beautiful new day.
And see my friends and family,
I’m at my favorite place.
Friends come and go,
But while we’re here,
Enjoy them,
Because you never know how they’re gonna go…


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