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By: Tyanna Largo


My Grandma always taught me to stay in school,

and go to college.


My grandma is like a cactus that stays in a bright

hot sun that stands in the seeking dirt.


My grandma is small like an eight-year-old kid.

I have my grandma’s first nickname of Rose.


I’m different from my grandma by knowing

I am her granddaughter.

My grandma wants me to graduate and go to college,

since she never went to college.


My grandma is a very intelligent lady that inspires

me to graduate and to have the best accomplishments in my life.





This poem makes me...
  • Think (12%)
  • Smile (29%)
  • Somber (18%)
  • Surprised (6%)
  • Feel a Connection (26%)
  • Inspired (9%)
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