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My Grandma’s Ranch

My Grandma’s Ranch

“By Angelina Yazzie”

One awesome place I love to adventure around

is my Grandma’s ranch

Full of wonderful creatures such as horses, sheep, goats and many dogs

That I love to feed a lot.

I also love to go hiking on the tall mesas and canyons.

Also driving around the ATV


Also playing with the lambs and new born puppies

But I hate the rotten smell of animal manure

But love the smell of freshly baked cookies

So evenly walking through sage brushes

Following me.


Such as a sheep dog would

Then relax on top of the mesa listening

To the sound of cows going on and off

Nonstop “moo” “moo” all the way

Til sunset.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (6%)
  • Smile (60%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (8%)
  • Feel a Connection (13%)
  • Inspired (9%)
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