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My Grandpa’s Land

My Grandpa’s Land

By Myri Castillo

My favorite place is at my awesome track I have lots of jumps

With the wonderful light brown sand

With big table tops that are big as a house

And the sound of the strong back Kawasaki two stroke

With the sweet smell of Vp 110 racing gas that smells like candy

And the sweet turns where you could hit hard

And make a roost with

The deep ditch

That you could go faster in like a flash of lighting

And the great trail where it leads

You in the mesas

With the smell of pine trees that smells inviting

And the color

Of green

And the sounds

Of the trees blowing

The animals you see are chickens

Dogs and one sheep

With the pink blue house with

Two great hogans

And one trailer

With one big chicken coop that’s big as a dog house


This poem makes me...
  • Think (21%)
  • Smile (57%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (4%)
  • Feel a Connection (4%)
  • Inspired (11%)
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