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My Happy Little Pill

Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.

My Happy Little Pill 

By: Amie Rodriguez

My happy little pill

What would i do without you

Safe and sound i feel

Without turning a tad blue

Darkness and hopeless 

I feel so lonely

Couldn’t somebody just freaking hold me?

One little pill, two little pills

Three little pills, four

Oh no mother what have I done 

Why are you carrying me out the door?

Opening my eyes I finally see light

My mother holding my cold fragile hand with tears in her eyes

And my father

No where in sight

Mother why am I here?

I feel great mother take me home

I miss the smell of your delicious pies 

I miss the taste of your bitter lies

Insane they say 

Stay here they say

My happy little pill 

Please just take me away

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