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My Heart’s Sink

My Heart’s Sink

By Mya Bartsch

left behind to feed myself
floating down a path of bad health
lost and confused on how they could
choose an addiction over their own creation
crying every night thinking about my childhood

Red paint drips along my wrists
thinking about all of the love I’ve missed
anger rolls inside of me
as I shift in my nightmares
wondering, can they hear my screams?
does anyone care?

many years later
I found my lover
I treated him horribly
but he still stayed
because he CARED

He changed my life
introduced me to the father
the father who DID NOT abandon me!
my life straightened
I was recreated

I covered my scars with black ink
to forget about my Heart’s sink
but that does not matter anymore
my scars do not define me
it is my battle that defines me

I got through it!

I am free!

My Heart’s sink is the soar of a hawk
I fell almost six feet under
but the water washed me out
and lifted me up, gliding upon the water

I’ve broken out of my cage
on a steady but shaky fly
I am finally out of this haze
Now am free and I will touch the sky.

I got through it!

I am free!

This poem makes me...
  • Think (2%)
  • Smile (9%)
  • Somber (10%)
  • Surprised (56%)
  • Feel a Connection (7%)
  • Inspired (16%)
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