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My Home

Gabby Tomas

laughter in the air

salt in my hair

the aroma of sunscreen and akuĀ on the grill

laughing and splashing

singing and ringing


I walk across the blazing sand

my toes meet with the cool, calm water

I’m finally HOME


taking a breath in

entering a whole new world

a world where I’m free

a world I like to call HOME


tip-toeing across the rocks

a kiawe thorn in my brown rubber slipper

one of the many things I love about my HOME


diving to the bottom

submerging my body in the ocean

my thick, black hair flows freely, as if it has its own mind



my toes dig into the cold sand

my eyes burn of salt

my hair is nappy as can be



the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shore

the way the moon creates the waves, like Kanaloa

the way the sun always returns to be the light that shines like my smile when I return


This poem makes me...
  • Think (5%)
  • Smile (24%)
  • Somber (2%)
  • Surprised (5%)
  • Feel a Connection (59%)
  • Inspired (5%)
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