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My Home

Leaves come with wind
A white catholic church
Blocking warm rays of heat
A home with a cooling system
For days like this

Bamboo as corn
Ketchup as Fake blood
Four boys and four girls playing
like we’re all five again yelling “YourIt!!”
Pretending tree branches are grenade launchers, pistols,
and sniper rifles
This is
My Home

A mom and brothers as my protection
Dogs barking
In the distance
Only one pale kid
The smell of burning
wood fills me with happiness
A bubbly
“kitty” pool
Old wood
Still holding the same shape
It did before I was born
This is
My hope I value

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (13%)
  • Somber (6%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (63%)
  • Inspired (6%)
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